ASEEES Summer Dissertation Writing Grant Program

Thanks to the generosity of donors and members, the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies is offering a limited number of grants, with a maximum stipend of $6,000, for the purposes of summer dissertation writing on any aspect of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies in any discipline.

The summer dissertation writing grant program is directed at PhD students at US universities who do not qualify for the ASEEES Dissertation Research Grant because they do not intend to conduct significant research in the region as part of their dissertation research. Therefore, current or past recipients of the ASEEES Dissertation Research Grants are not eligible. Students may only receive ONE Summer Dissertation Writing Grant over the course of their graduate studies.

These awards may be held concurrently with other partial funding sources or part-time work, but the recipients should use the summer grant period to focus on writing and not accept other major responsibilities, such as full-time work.


  • Applicant may be a graduate student of any citizenship, in any discipline, currently enrolled in a PhD program in the United States;
  • Applicant must have successfully achieved PhD candidacy (ABD status) by the start of the proposed writing;
  • Applicant must have requisite language proficiency to conduct the proposed research;
  • Applicant must be a student member of ASEEES at the time of application;
  • Applicant must commit to focusing on dissertation writing during the summer months (2-3 months), and not accept full-time work during that time (part-time work is allowed);
  • Applicant must not be current or past recipient of an ASEEES Dissertation Research Grant.
  • Applicant must not have held or hold the Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship, Fulbright-Hays DDRA, Wenner Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship, or other similarly fully-funded dissertation research fellowships for the same dissertation project. The purpose of the grant is to provide funding for PhD students who do not plan to conduct significant fieldwork/research in the region.

Grant Amount

The grant amount provides a maximum of $6,000 ($2,000/month)
NOTE: The grant can not be used for tuition and fee payments to the applicant’s home institution. 


Applications must be submitted by March 20 (notifications will be sent out in early May)

To Apply

Complete the online application, which includes:

  • a two-page, single-spaced, 1000-word (excluding footnotes, bibliography) description of the dissertation’s scope, analytical framework, and methodology, and a timeline of the writing to be completed during the grant period;
  • a CV no longer than two pages;
  • graduate transcript(s) (unofficial copies allowed);
  • confirmation that applicant has not previously held a major dissertation research fellowship or ASEEES Dissertation Research Grant (prior to disbursement of funds, ASEEES will contact the home department to verify candidate’s standing and funding levels);
  • confirmation that dissertation does not include a significant in-region research component;
  • two letters of professional reference  (one must be from the main dissertation/thesis adviser)

Application Review

All files are reviewed by an interdisciplinary panel that values clarity of argument to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.


Please contact with any questions.


This grant program is made possible by generous contributions from members and other donors. Please consider investing in the future of the field and donate to the ASEEES Research Grant Fund.

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