56th Annual ASEEES Convention
The PDF version of the program as of July 2, 2024 can be viewed:
The online version will always be the most up to date.
You can find your own panel/roundtable/meeting schedule(s) by entering your name in the search box at the top of the program homepage, or by going to: “Browse by Person” in the left navigation. You can also view the entire convention schedule under “Browse by Time,” which is divided by day and time slots. For more information on how to search the program, see “Search Tips” in the left navigation.
Create a Personal Schedule
If you are logged into the program (using the same user id and password as the ASEEES Member Site), you can create your own personal schedule for the virtual convention by clicking on the small circular calendar icon to the left of panel/roundtable list or by clicking on “Add Session Submission” on a specific panel/roundtable information page. However, please do keep in mind that the schedule is subject to change; you should re-create your personal schedule closer to the convention time.
NOTE: Your personal schedule in the convention website does not sync with your personal schedule in the Mobile App.
Please DO NOT ASK US TO MOVE YOUR SESSION TIME. The Program Chair and the Program Committee spend hours of time trying to avoid thematic conflicts. We cannot accommodate individual scheduling requests except for religious reasons. Please see Mike Hickey’s article in the May 2008 issue of NewsNet: “The Five Obstructions” or “Why somebody’s panel has to meet on Sunday morning”
Room assignments are subject to change and will be published in the final program.
In the event that it becomes necessary to change the date/time of a panel or roundtable, the ASEEES office will notify the organizer, who in turn must notify all participants. If the time of a meeting is changed, ASEEES will notify the representative who requested the meeting.
ASEEES Staff Contact
To request a change to a session, the organizer should complete the Session Change Request.
For questions about membership, accessing your ASEEES profile, or registration, Contact Us.
All other questions or issues related to the convention should be addressed to:
Margaret Manges, Convention Manager
Phone: (412) 648-4049
E-mail: aseees.convention@pitt.edu