Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Virtual Convention Participant Confirmation Survey

UPDATE: If you are experiencing difficulty logging into the Convention site to respond to the survey, you can respond to our back-up survey and the ASEEES staff will enter the responses for you. Please respond by no later than August 7. If you do not respond, we will consider it as your acceptance to participate in the virtual convention.


The following email was sent on July 28 to all 2020 ASEEES Convention participants who were in the in-person program schedule:

Per our last communication, the 2020 ASEEES Annual Convention will be moving to a virtual platform. We hope to have a full slate of panels and roundtables as well as a virtual exhibit hall, a film series, receptions and other exciting networking activities. We welcome your suggestions on how to create an event that’s engaging and interactive.

We are now asking you to complete a time-sensitive invitation form regarding your participation decision by August 5. This invitation form will allow you to accept your participation in the convention or decline. We ask you to confer with your roundtable and/or panel organizer on any collective decisions. 

If you decide to participate in the convention, rest assured that we will be hiring plenty of technical staff to support your virtual session. You will not be alone in navigating your presentation.  Also, training will be made available prior to the convention. 

Your session will be officially withdrawn if all panel members withdraw.  If there is partial participation, we will combine sessions. If your entire session decides to withdraw, you may resubmit your session next year with the qualification of having been an accepted/withdrawn session in 2020. This will not guarantee acceptance in 2021, but it will be taken into consideration.

To respond to the participation invitation, please log into ASEEES Convention Site using the same login as the ASEEES members site. If your login information does not work you may need to reset your password to your ASEEES account. You can reset your password here. Once you log in, click on the link for Confirm Virtual Participation Invitation. The invitation will first ask you to enter your preferred time zone even if you plan to withdraw, as we need to collect this data. If you plan to participate, we will try to accommodate, to the best of our ability, your preferred time zones for your sessions. However, we cannot guarantee that we can do so. If at all possible, please check all that apply so that we will have greater flexibility and can concentrate our efforts on international participants with significant time zone concerns. If you are in more than one session, you will need to indicate your participation decision for each session. For a detailed instruction on how to complete the form, click HERE.

The current convention schedule is November 5 to 8.  Based on final participation numbers, the convention dates may be expanded to include the following weekend, November 14 and 15.  

If you plan to participate in the convention, we ask that you register. We are offering registration at 50% discount from the in-person rate. We’re also offering registration waivers for those facing financial difficulties due to the pandemic as well as other attendees. Registration and waiver information can be found on the Registration page

For answers to the most frequently asked questions, visit the FAQ page.

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