Monday, March 17, 2014
Register Now for Upcoming Webinar on Slavic Reference Service
The University of Illinois Slavic Reference Service, now in its 37th year, will describe the free services available to scholars who need particular items for their research, who need to verify citations for bibliographies and footnotes, who are looking for answers to specific questions, and/or who need information on particular social, economic, political, historical and other phenomena or on historical or current figures in a variety of fields of inquiry. A review of the special resources and programs for researchers available at Illinois will be included. The presenters will highlight the Summer Research Laboratory as well.
- Joe Lenkart, Slavic Reference Service, U of Illinois
- Dmitry Tartakovsky, Slavic Reference Service, U of Illinois
- Ula Biegaji-Lechtenberg, Slavic Reference Service, U of Illinois
- Jan Adamczyk, Slavic Reference Service, U of Illinois
The program will be held on Thurs, March 27, 1 PM–2:15 PM EDT
To register: