Wednesday, January 20, 2016

January NewsNet Now Available

The January 2016 issue of NewsNet is now available and includes the President’s Address from the 47th Annual ASEEES convention and the 2015 Executive Director’s Report, by Lynda Park. There are also a number of interesting articles: “Periodical Studies: Why and How to Re-read East European Journals,” by Natalia Ermolaev and Philip Gleissner (Princeton U); “Treasures from the Pacific Northwest: Academic Library Collections Shaped by Time and Location,” by ASEEES Committee on Libraries and Information Resources; “Saving Seventeen Moments in Soviet History: An Interview with Lewis Siegelbaum and James von Geldern,” by Amy Nelson, (Virginia Tech); as well as information about the organization, such as the Affiliate Organizations’ 2015 Prize Winners; 2016 ASEEES Board of Directors & Committees; 2016 ASEEES membership forms, as well as our regular features.

Read the Issue


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