Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Information for the Virtual Convention Participants

After a successful in-person Convention in New Orleans, we are excited to hold the ASEEES Virtual Convention on December 1-3, which will feature over 400 sessions.

Below are some information and instructions for the Virtual Convention.

Registration: Late registration for the Virtual Convention is now open until November 30. It is vitally important that you register before the convention begins in order to make sure you have login access to the virtual convention site. For any membership or registration questions, please contact us at  

LOG INTO THE CONVENTION SITE BEFORE December 1 to test your access using the same username and password as your ASEEES member site login. ASEEES staff will not be able to provide temporary passwords in real time during the convention. If you have any problems logging into the site, please complete this problem report form, and we will get back to you.

PLEASE CAREFULLY REVIEW the Virtual Convention Session Instructions for more information on how to log in, browse the program, create a personal schedule, join sessions, and present in your session via Zoom. We suggest that you create your personal schedule for ease of access to sessions that you want to attend.

NOTE: The Zoom links for the sessions will be embedded on the session page in the Convention site. WE DO NOT SEND OUT Zoom links to your sessions.  The “Join Session” button will appear on the day of your session. 

Zoom Rehearsals on November 30: We have scheduled two open Zoom rehearsals for speakers who would like to practice their presentations or ask any questions on Tuesday, Nov. 30, at 9:00- 11:00 AM CST and 1:00-3:00 PM CST. These practice sessions can be found in the Convention Program site.

Convention Program & Schedule: Please note that all times are listed in Central Standard Time (CST), but you can set your preferred time zone in the online program. The first session begins at 8:00 am CST on Wednesday, December 1; and the last session ends at 3:45 pm CST on Friday, December 3. There is no mobile app for the virtual convention.

Session Time: Each session is 1-¾ hours and MUST END PROMPTLY ON SCHEDULE, as another session is scheduled in the Zoom room immediately following.

Presentation Time: Presentations on roundtables should be 10-15 minutes per speaker (depending on the number of speakers). For panels, a paper presentation should be 15 minutes on a 4-paper panel and 20 minutes for a 3-paper panel. Discussants should provide comments for about 10 minutes. Please review this page for panel best practices.

For Paper Presenters: Please send your paper to the panel discussant(s) and, ideally, to the other panelists two weeks in advance of your panel.

For Session Chairs: The main task of the chair is to introduce the presenters/discussants and keep them to a set schedule so that all presenters have the allotted time for their presentations. Please gather the speaker bios in advance of the session. The chair may be asked to read the questions in chat. We also ask the chair to point out the ASEEES Code of Conduct Policy and take the lead in establishing an environment that encourages professional behavior and interchange of ideas. 

For Session Managers/Zoom hosts: The session manager (Zoom host) handles all technical aspects of the session and should have received an email from us with a session manager checklist on how to manage the session/Zoom platform effectively. The session manager will end the session promptly at the scheduled time.

Please note that many session managers are volunteers, students, and/or ASEEES staff and are not responsible for other aspects of sessions and should not be expected to read out the questions in chat. 

Code of Conduct Policy: Please read the Code of Conduct Policy for the convention. By agreeing to participate in the Convention and registering, you are agreeing to abide by the policy.

Social Media: We look forward to informative and productive engagement on social media at #ASEEES21 Please read the ASEEES rules for recording and social media.

Special Events: Check out the spotlighted sessions and other special events listed HERE. We will send out daily alerts of events via the convention listserv. Be sure to join us for the Virtual Reception on December 1, at 2:00pm CST. 

Thanks to Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Advertisers: We are grateful for the support of our sponsorsexhibitors, and advertisers who will join us in New Orleans and/or on the virtual platform. The virtual exhibit hall on the convention website is already open!

Send Us Your Picture for the 2021  Slideshow: Send us a picture of yourself at an ASEEES convention, your research site or hometown for the convention slideshow. We will feature the slideshow during the virtual convention. You can upload your pictures HERE. Thank you!

We look forward to seeing you soon!



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