Monday, April 29, 2019

Call for Nominations: Graduate Student Representative on the Board of Directors

The ASEEES Board of Directors invites nominations for the position of the Graduate Student Representative on the ASEEES Board. The duration of the two-year term is Jan. 1, 2020 – Dec. 31, 2021.  

Students can self-nominate or be nominated by a faculty who is a member of ASEEES. The Nominating Committee will then review all nominations and select two to stand as candidates. The two candidates’ names will be placed on the ASEEES Board election ballot to be voted on by all ASEEES members.

All nominees for the position of Graduate Student Representative should be doctoral students post comprehensive examinations and in good academic standing. They may be in any academic discipline associated with Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies. Nominees also should be current ASEEES members and have a record of active contribution to the field outside of their department that demonstrate their initiative and engagement.

Please submit:

  • a short statement that includes a brief academic biography, a list of relevant activities and contributions, and reasons why she or he is interested in serving on the Board

  • current curriculum vitae

  • a letter of reference from the nominee’s advisor or department chair.

All materials should be sent by e-mail to by May 13, 2019.

Inquiries should be sent to Lynda Park, executive director, at

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