Wednesday, September 07, 2016
ASEEES Commons to Launch November 2016
Since 2015, ASEEES has been collaborating with the Modern Language Association to be part of the new Humanities Commons – an integrated online discussion platform. We’ll be launching ASEEES Commons in November, to coincide with the Convention. Here’s what you can expect:
Share and store your work with CORE
All ASEEES members can upload materials to CORE, the open access, library quality repository for the humanities. An NEH-funded project developed in collaboration with Columbia University Libraries, CORE accepts all forms of scholarly communication, from your pre-prints to presentations, data sets to dissertations, course materials to code. Members will be able to promote their work, track its use, and share it instantly with the world.
Create and promote a professional profile
Create a modern, shareable profile on ASEEES Commons and share it with colleagues or potential employers. Promote your publications (including work uploaded to CORE), link to your existing web sites, list your upcoming events, and connect with others who share your academic interests.
Join and form online discussion forums
ASEEES members will be able to create or join discussion forums on any scholarly topic relevant to our region of study and connect with others attending upcoming conventions. ASEEES members will be able create and join group within ASEEES Commons and across the Humanities Commons (which will include the MLA Commons, AJS Commons and CCA Commons in the first phase). ASEEES affiliate groups are especially encouraged to create discussion forums.
Build a Web site to showcase your work
If you’re interested in connecting with a broader public, promoting a conference, or showcasing your professional work, you can create your own free WordPress site on the Humanities Commons network. With a rich variety of themes and options to embed video and audio files, presentations, events calendars, and more, Humanities Commons enables even the most technophobic users to have a Web site up and running in no time.
For more information on this project, please visit: If you are interested in helping us beta-test the Commons, creating/moderating discussion forums, or providing content for the Commons, email