Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Act Now to Stop Cuts to Title VI & Fulbright-Hays

Published August 18, 2015

Act now to prevent deep cuts to funding for international education

The Senate has proposed deep cuts to Title VI and Fulbright-Hays. 

These programs are crucial for educating U.S. students for our interconnected world and training experts in foreign languages and cultures.

The proposed cut would slash $25 million (35%) from Title VI and Fulbright-Hays, and it has already passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee. 

This comes after a drastic cut in 2011 and would amount to a 63% reduction over five years!

Click here to oppose these cuts!

What’s at stake?

  • A steady supply of graduates with deep expertise in foreign languages and cultures, international markets, world regions, and global issues;
  • Our national educational and research capacity in 200 less-commonly-taught languages that are critical to our ability to communicate with communities around the world;
  • Opportunities to strengthen the teaching of foreign languages and cultures at the K-12 level.

Click here for more information on Title VI and Fulbright-Hays programs and the status of the appropriations process.

Send a message to Congress now!

You can send an e-mail to your Congress members’ offices, tweet to them, and post on their Facebook pages. We need to speak out now to ensure that the Senate bill does not advance any further. The House appropriations committee has already approved funding at the current level. Your voice will help ensure that these crucial international education programs remain intact!

Online petition provided by the National Humanities Alliance

[published 8/18/2015]

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