Friday, October 08, 2021

2021 ASEEES Prize Winners Announced


Distinguished Contributions to Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Award:
    Donald Joseph Raleigh, Jay Richard Judson Distinguished Professor of History at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences
    Ana Hedberg Olenina, Psychomotor Aesthetics. Movement and Affect in Modern Literature and Film. (Oxford University Press)
    Honorable Mention: Ronald Grigor Suny, Stalin. Passage to Revolution (Princeton University Press)

University of Southern California Book Prize in Literary and Cultural Studies for outstanding monograph published on Russia, Eastern Europe or Eurasia in the fields of literary and cultural studies
    Carol Any, The Soviet Writers’ Union and Its Leaders. Identity and Authority under Stalin (Northwestern University Press)

Reginald Zelnik Book Prize in History for outstanding monograph published on Russia, Eastern Europe, or Eurasia in the field of history
    Krista A. Goff, Nested Nationalism: Making and Unmaking Nations in the Soviet Union (Cornell University Press)
    Anita Kurimay, Queer Budapest 1873-1961 (University of Chicago Press)

Davis Center Book Prize in Political and Social Studies for outstanding monograph on Russia, Eurasia, or Eastern Europe in anthropology, political science, sociology, or geography
    Gulnaz Sharafutdinova, The Red Mirror: Putin’s Leadership and Russia’s Insecure Identity (Oxford University Press)
    Honorable Mention: Kathryn Graber, Mixed Messages: Mediating Native Belonging in Asian Russia (Cornell University Press)

Marshall Shulman Book Prize for an outstanding monograph dealing with the international relations, foreign policy, or foreign-policy decision-making of any of the states of the former Soviet Union or Eastern Europe
    Thane Gustafson, The Bridge: Natural Gas in a Redivided Europe (Harvard University Press)

Ed A Hewett Book Prize for outstanding publication on the political economy of Russia, Eurasia and/or Eastern Europe
    Fabio Mattioli, Dark Finance: Illiquidity and Authoritarianism at the Margins of Europe (Stanford University Press)

Barbara Jelavich Book Prize for a distinguished monograph published on any aspect of Southeast European or Habsburg studies since 1600, or nineteenth- and twentieth-century Ottoman or Russian diplomatic history
    Francine Hirsch, Soviet Judgment at Nuremberg: A New History of the International Military Tribunal After World War II (Oxford University Press)
    Honorable Mention: Dominique Kirchner Reill, The Fiume Crisis: Life in the Wake of the Habsburg Empire (Harvard University Press)

Kulczycki Book Prize in Polish Studies for the best book in any discipline, on any aspect of Polish affairs
    Molly Pucci, Security Empire: The Secret Police in Communist Eastern Europe (Yale University Press)
    Honorable Mention: Adam Teller, Rescue the Surviving Souls: The Great Jewish Refugee Crisis of the Seventeenth Century (Princeton University Press)

Omeljan Pritsak Book Prize in Ukrainian Studies for a distinguished book in the field of Ukrainian studies
    Andriy Zayarnyuk, L’viv’s Uncertain Destination: A City and Its Train Terminal from Franz Joseph I to Brezhnev (University of Toronto Press)
    Honorable Mention: Oleksandra Wallo, Ukrainian Women Writers and the National Imaginary: From the Collapse of the USSR to the Euromaidan (University of Toronto Press)
    Honorable Mention: Jessica Zychowicz, Superfluous Women: Art, Feminism, and Revolution in Twenty-First- Century Ukraine (University of Toronto Press)

W. Bruce Lincoln Book Prize for an author’s first published monograph or scholarly synthesis that is of exceptional merit and lasting significance for the understanding of Russia’s past
    Pey-yi Chu, The Life of Permafrost: A History of Frozen Earth in Russian and Soviet Science (University of Toronto Press)
    Greg Afinogenov, Spies and Scholars: Chinese Secrets and Imperial Russia’s Quest for World Power (Harvard University Press)

Beth Holmgren Graduate Student Essay Prize for an outstanding essay by a graduate student in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
    Moira O’Shea, “‘We Took the National Game and Turned It into a Sport:’ Playing Kok Boru and Re-Inventing Tradition in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan”

Robert C. Tucker/Stephen F. Cohen Dissertation Prize for an outstanding English-language doctoral dissertation in Soviet or Post-Soviet politics and history in the tradition practiced by Tucker and Cohen, defended at an American or Canadian university
    Virginia Carter Olmstead McGraw, “Soviet by Design: Fashion, Consumption, and International Competition during Late Socialism, 1948-1982” (UNC, Chapel Hill, History)

CLIR Distinguished Service Award
    Wojciech Zalewski, Curator for Slavic and East European Collections Emeritus and Bibliographer for Religious Studies at the Stanford University Libraries
    Tatjana Lorkovic, Curator of the Slavic and East European Collections at Yale University Library, retired

Prize winners will be recognized during the ASEEES Annual Convention in person award ceremony on Saturday, November 20. Full citations will be available on our website.

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