Wednesday, August 21, 2019
2019 ASEEES Dissertation Grant Recipients
Thanks to individual and institutional donors who have given generously to the Future of the Field Campaign, we were able to double the funding for research grants for 2019 and to offer 23 grants to students working on diverse research topics (including four new grants, highlighted below).
Dissertation Research Grant in Women’s and Gender Studies **
Grace Zhou, Anthropology, Stanford University, “Parasitic Intimacies: Life, Love and Labor in Post-Socialist Central Asia”
Dissertation Research Grant in LGBTQ Studies **
Peter Worger, History, University of Texas, Austin, “The Telos of Telesnost’: Embodying the Revolutionary Subject in Vladimir Bekhterev’s Soviet Experiments, 1919–1926”
Joseph Bradley and Christine Ruane Dissertation Research Grant in Russian Studies **
Michael Brinley, History, University of Pennsylvania, “The Cities They Wanted and The Cities They Built: Soviet Chief Architects and Urban Planning in the Era of Developed Socialism, 1954-1988”
Civil Society in Russia Grants **
Nicole Daphnis, Political Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst, “Rethinking Unrest: Problematizing the Notion of Passivity in Russian Labor”
Madeline McCann, Russian and East European Institute, Indiana University Bloomington, “Exploring Grassroots Civic Engagement in Modern Russia”
Ji Soo Hong, History, Brown University, “ Siberia for Development: From the Soviet Frontier to Transnational Powerhouse”
Jeffrey Bilik, Sociology, University of Michigan, “Second Class Citizens in a Socialist State: Migration Regulation and Citizenship in Soviet-era Moscow”
Liudmila Listrovaya, Sociology, University of Oregon, “The Forest Corrupted. Illegal Logging and Russo-Chinese Relations in the Siberian Forest”
Dissertation Research Grant
Suzanne Harris-Brandts, Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Constructing the Capital City: The Politics of Urban Development and Image Making in Eurasia’s Hybrid Regimes”
Natalie Cornett, Brandeis University, History, “The Politics of Love: The “Enthusiasts” and Feminism in Nineteenth-Century Poland”
Zeynep Otluoglu Dursun, History, Binghamton University, “Reluctant Repatriates: Soviet Refugees and Their Repatriation from Turkey at the End of World War II”
Marek Eby, History, New York University, “Vectors of Socialism: Malaria Control and Soviet Power in Central Asia, 1920-1953”
Stas Gorelik, Political Science, George Washington University, “When triggers cause unrest: Explaining New Revolutions in the Post-Soviet Region”*
Katie Robbins Hoye, Educational Leadership, Baylor University, “Bridging Post-Soviet Language Policies and Practices: Exploring the Impact of Language Ideologies in Lithuanian Higher Education”*
Dima Körtukov, Political Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, “Political Change in Ordered Societies: Electoral Politics and the End of USSR”
Grace Mahoney, Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, “House Museums in Soviet Culture and Their Literary Interlocutors”
Rose Malloy, History, University of Chicago, “Home/Front: Population Displacement and Nation-Making in the First World War”
Fedor Maximishin, History, University of Michigan, “Spiritual Bureaucracy: Poetic Function and Bureaucratic Language in the Sect of Stranniki, 1840-1860”
Yauheniya Mironava, Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, “Redefining Ornamentalism: Patterns of Time in Remizov, Khlebnikov, and Nabokov”
Marhabo Saparova, Sociology and Anthropology, Northeastern University, “Gendered Globalization, Gendered Spaces: Transnational Migration from Turkmenistan to Turkey”
Arpi Movsesian, Comparative Literature, University of California, Santa Barbara, “Notes from the Archives: Shakespearean Fools in Dostoevsky”
Julian Pokay, Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, “Poetic Friendship and Poetic Circles, the (Self-)Formation of the Poet, and the Role of the Muse in Leningrad Underground Culture of the Early 1960s”
Aleksandra Simonova, Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, “Crimean Sevastopol between Russia and Ukraine”
Deirdre Smith, Art History, University of Texas, Austin, “Umjetnik radi: Stilinović, Šutej, and Trbuljak on Art, Work, and Life”
Thomas Stevens, History, University of Pennsylvania, “From Civil Wars to Stalinism: Veterans and Violence in Soviet Tambov”
*indicates alternates