
We are grateful to the following individuals and institutions who have made donations at every level to support the Future of the Field.

Felix Ackermann
in memory of Klaus Zernack

Barbara Allen

Charles Allen

Veronica Aplenc

Mary Arnstein

Eugene Michael Avrutin
in memory of Sidney Monas

Brian Baer

Marina Balina

Alan J. Barenberg

Luc Jean Beaudoin

Lois E. Beekey

Mark and Margaret Beissinger

Evgenii Bershtein

David Bethea

Thomas E. Bird
in memory of Andrew Q. Blane

Stephen Blackwell
in memory of Nina Perlina

Robert E. Blobaum

Jacob Boehmer

Melissa K. Bokovoy

Joseph Bradley and Christine Ruane

George Breslauer

Angela Brintlinger
in honor of Beth Holmgren and in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Keith Brown

Cynthia Buckley
in honor of Barbara Anderson

Maria Bucur

Phillip R. Bullock

Valerie Bunce

Paul A. Bushkovitch

Maria Carlson
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Don and Rosalie Cassiday
in honor of Julie A. Cassiday

Julie A. Cassiday

Sean Caulfield

Choi Chatterjee
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Vitaly Chernetsky

Marianna Tax Choldin

Barbara Ann Chotiner

Pey-yi Chu

Edith Clowes

Edward Cohn

Heather Coleman
in honor of Diane Koenker and Beth Holmgren

Nancy Condee
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Kit Condill
in memory of June Pachuta Farris

Katherine Contess
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Linda J. Cook
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Jonathan Coopersmith
in honor of Murray Feshbach

Stephen Corrsin
in memory of June Pachuta Farris

Susan E. Costanzo

Wallace L. Daniel
in honor of Cliff Foust

Michael Zdenek David
in memory of Richard Hellie

Michael and Katherine David-Fox

Dan E. Davidson

George Deak

Julie K. deGraffenried

Jean Mary Dickinson

Galya Diment
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Vladimir Đorđević

Casimir Matthew Drahan

Julie Draskoczy Zigoris
in memory of Mark Zigoris

Irina Dubinina
in memory of Elizabeth Allen

Tetyana Dzyadevych

Adrienne L. Edgar

Samuel Eisen

Caryl Emerson
in memory of her uncle, father, and mother, who loved Russian literature

Barbara Engel

Laura Engelstein

Alfred Burney Evans, Jr.
in honor of Stephen White and James Bailey

Nora Seligman Favorov
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Sibelan E. S. Forrester
in honor of Beth Holmgren and in memory of Nina Baranova

Timothy M. Frye
in honor of Alya Baker

Robert Paul Geraci
in memory of John D. Klier and Reginald E. Zelnik

Ted Gerber

Irina Gigova

Zvi Y. Gitelman

Jon Giullian

Robert F. Goeckel

Wendy Goldman

Jonathan Goldstein IV
in memory of Evgeny Zonov

Dmitry Primus Gorenburg
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Michael S. Gorham

Radmila Gorup
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Joseph F Govednik

Bruce Grant
in memory of Natasha Sadomskaia

Diana Greene

Douglas Greenfield
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Monika Greenleaf

Anna Grzymala-Busse

Erika Haber
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Heghine Hakobyan

Stephen E. Hanson
in honor of Kimberly Marten

Evelyn Jasiulko Harden

Jonathan and Jane Harris

Tsuyoshi Hasegawa
in memory of Donald W. Treadgold

Yana Hashamova

Dan Healey and Mark Cornwall

James W. Heinzen

Betsy Jones Hemenway

Julie Hemment
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Yoshiko M. Herrera

Fiona Hill and Ken Keen

William Hill

Steven L. Hoch

Christine Holden

John Holian

Larry Eugene Holmes

Beth Holmgren and Mark Sidell

Hilde M. Hoogenboom

Elena Anatolievna Ivanova

Andrew P. Janco
in memory of June Pachuta Farris from U of Chicago Russian History Graduates

Emily D. Johnson
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Janet E. Johnson

Juliet Johnson

Marianne R. Kamp

Eileen Mary Kane
in memory of Patricia Herlihy

Michael R. Katz

Shoshana Keller

Elizabeth Kellison
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Catriona H. M. Kelly

Ian Kelly
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Martha M. F. Kelly

Padraic Kenney

Adeeb Khalid

D. Brian Kim

Lisa A. Kirschenbaum
in honor of Nancy Wingfield

Valerie Kivelson

Nadieszda Kizenko
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Diane P. Koenker

Irene Kolchinsky

Nancy S. Kollmann

Judith Deutsch Kornblatt
in honor of current and past ASEEES officers and in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Gina Kovalsky

Sharon Kowalsky
in honor of Donald J Raleigh

Barbara Krupa

Jan Kubik

Allen James Kuharski
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Natasha Clara Kuhrt

Richard (Ryszard) Kulczycki and Andrzej Kulczycki

Konstantin V. Kustanovich
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

 Yuliya V. Ladygina

Timothy Langen

Carol S. Leff

Eve Levin
in memory of Allan Wildman

Madeline and Steven Levine
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Marcus C. Levitt

Carol S. Lilly 

Mary Lincoln

Adele Lindenmeyr

Eric Lohr

Anne Lounsbery and John Scaife

Colleen Lucey 

Natalia Lusin
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Elaine Marie McClarnand MacKinnon

Laurie Manchester

Margaret Manges

Kimberly Marten
in honor of Stephen E. Hanson

Irene Ingeborg Masing-Delic

Kevin McKenna

Ellen Mickiewicz

Laurence Miller

Nicole Monnier
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Kevin Moss

Harriet L. Murav

Steven Nafziger

Eric Naiman

Norman M. Naimark

Ben Nathans
in memory of Reginald Zelnik

Michael M. Naydan
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Amy Nelson

Diane M. Nemec Ignashev

Joan Neuberger

Robert Niebuhr

Virginia Carter Olmsted McGraw

Mitchell A. Orenstein

Daniel T. Orlovsky

Robert W. Orttung

Laura Olson Osterman
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Lynda Park

Harriet Parker

David Patton

Jeffrey Pennington
in memory of Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston

Daniel Peris

Karen Petrone and Kenneth Slepyan
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Patricia Polansky

Cathy Popkin
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Maria Popova
in honor of Timothy Colton and Yoshiko Herrera

Polina Popova

Peter Pozefsky

Sally (Sarah) Pratt
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy and in honor of Judith Kornblatt and Richard Gustafson

Jane Prokop
in honor of Daniel Peris

William H. Pyle

Alexander and Janet Rabinowitch

Barnabas Racz

Anna Rakityanskaya
in memory of June Pachuta Farris

Donald J. Raleigh
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Sabrina P. Ramet and Christine M. Hassenstab

John Randolph

David Ransel

Madeleine Reeves

William M. Reisinger

Thomas Remington

George Victor Reynoldson
in honor of improved US-Russian relations

James G. Richter

Nancy Ries
in honor of Katherine Verdery

Richard Gardner Robbins

Thomas Roberts
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Harlow Loomis Robinson
in memory of Simon Karlinsky

Douglas Rogers

Karen A. Rondestvedt
in memory of June Pachuta Farris

William Rosenberg

Bryn Rosenfeld

Kristin Roth-Ey

K. Andrea Rusnock
in honor of John Bowlt and Nicoletta Misler

Rochelle Ruthchild

Christine Ann Rydel

Gabriella Safran
in honor of Gregory Freidin

Joshua Sanborn

Stephanie Sandler
in honor of Judith Deutsch Kornblatt, and all the women who have led ASEEES/AAASS

Bozena Shallcross
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Olga Shevchenko
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Irina Shevelenko

Vera Shevzov

Elizabeth Skomp

Yana Skorobogatov

Alison K. Smith

Douglas Smith and Stephanie Ellis-Smith

Valeria Sobol and David Cooper
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Susan and Peter Solomon

Pawel Sowinski

Jennifer B. Spock

Tricia Starks
in honor of Eve Levin

Daniela Steila

Mark Steinberg

Melissa K. Stockdale

Laurie S. Stoff
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Willard Sunderland

Ronald Grigor Suny
in memory of Moshe Levin

Gerald D. Surh
in memory of Rafail Sholomovich Ganelin

Amanda Jeanne Swain

Anne Swartz

Dmitry Tartakovsky

William and Jane Taubman

Brian D. Taylor

Patricia K. Thurston
in memory of June Pachuta Farris

William Mills Todd III

Kiril Tomoff

Timothy L. Trenkamp

Ludmilla A. Trigos
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Joshua A. Tucker
in memory of Robert S. Tucker

Carol Ueland
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Alexandra M. Vacroux

Don A. Van Atta

Janneke Micaela Van de Stadt
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

Katherine Verdery
in honor of Sheila Fitzpatrick, Istvan Deak, and William Rosenberg

Ilya Vinitsky

Ilya Vinkovetsky
in memory of Sonja Luehrmann

Mark von Hagen (deceased)
in memory of Alexander Dallin

Natalia Vygovskaia
in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

William Wagner

Paul W. Werth

Nancy Wingfield
in honor of Christine Worobec

Elizabeth Wood and Jerry Wheelock

Christine D. Worobec

Richard S. Wortman

Dov Yaroshevski

Mark Zadrozny and Gwendolyn Connors

Genevieve Zubrzycki
in honor of Beth Holmgren

Anonymous (14)
in honor of George Breslauer and Gail Lapidus
in honor of Beth Holmgren
in honor of Mark Beissinger

in memory of Catharine Nepomnyashchy

in memory of Charles Gribble
in memory of 
Nancy Batson Rash and Nancy Rash Fabbri


Institutional Supporters

Association for Women in Slavic Studies

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Fund for European University at St. Petersburg

Indiana University, Russian and East European Institute

KAT Charitable Foundation

McCurdy Family Foundation

UC Berkeley, Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

University of Pittsburgh, Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

University of Texas, Austin, Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

U.S. Russia Foundation


Corporate Matching Gifts

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Pfizer, Inc.

Viasat, Inc.

(List as of 12/31/2019)