Affiliate Organizations
The ASEEES has organizational ties with scholarly societies that have specialized interests within the broad field of Slavic and post-Soviet studies. These special-interest ASEEES Affiliate Organizations are concerned with particular topics, areas, or peoples within the field. Along with their other activities throughout the year, these affiliates normally sponsor panels or roundtables and hold meetings at the ASEEES Annual Convention. Only one session sponsorship and one meeting per convention are allowed.
American Association for Ukrainian Studies
“dedicated to furthering knowledge about Ukraine, popularizing Ukrainian studies, providing career-building resources to its members, and making the intellectual resources of the organization available to the media and general public.”
American Association of Geographers, Eurasian Specialty Group
“a diverse community of researchers brought together by thematic research and teaching related to Eurasia (Caucasus and Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Russia). Member research is diverse and includes—but is not limited to—political ecology, resource and environmental management, critical geopolitics, “new” cultural geography, feminist geographies, and economic geography.”
American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages
“exists to advance the study and promote the teaching of Slavic and East European languages, literatures, and cultures on all educational levels”
American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC)
“The mission of ARISC is to encourage and support scholarly study of the South Caucasus states (Armenia Azerbaijan, and Georgia) in all fields from the earliest times to the present.”
Association for the Advancement of Central Asian Research
“devoted to promoting scholarship and instruction on Central Asia.”
Association for Croatian Studies
“organizes panels that focus on Croatian topics at the ASEEES annual convention, facilitates contacts and cooperation among scholars living in Croatia and abroad, promotes research and publishing on subjects dealing with Croatian culture and society, and functions as a liaison between its members and other affiliates of the ASEEES in order to encourage comparative studies.”
Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture
“…a scholarly, non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the study of Eastern Christian history and culture.”
Association for the Study of Health & Demography in the Former Soviet Union
Association for the Study of Nationalities
Association for the Study of Nationalities is “a scholarly association devoted to the promotion of knowledge and understanding of ethnicity, ethnic conflict, and nationalism studies broadly defined, with a particular geographic focus on Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Eurasia.”
Association for Women in Slavic Studies
“sponsors research and teaching for scholars of women’s studies and questions of gender analysis in Central/Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union [and] seeks to improve the general public’s understanding about women in these regions.”
“promotes the study of and exchange of knowledge about all aspects of Bulgaria and Bulgarians: language, literature, culture, history, politics, economics and international relations.”
Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center
“a non-profit cultural research organization whose purpose is to promote knowledge about all aspects of Carpatho-Rusyn culture through the publication and distribution of scholarly and educational material about the Carpatho-Rusyn heritage in Europe and America.”
Central Eurasian Studies Society
“a private, non-political, non-profit, international, U.S.-based organization of scholars who are interested in the study of Central Eurasia, and its history, languages, cultures, and modern states and societies.”
Czechoslovak Studies Association
Early Slavic Studies Association
“a scholarly, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering closer worldwide communication among scholars interested in pre-eighteenth century Slavic studies; and to promoting the dissemination of scholarly information on early Slavic studies through the organization of meetings and conferences and through the Association’s newsletter.”
East Coast Consortium of Slavic Library Collections
“Established in 1993, the East Coast Consortium of Slavic Library Collections (ECC) helps to coordinate the activities of Eurasian area studies library collections located in the eastern United States and Canada. Currently, the ECC consists of twelve member institutions and includes ten universities and two research libraries.”
Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies Association
ECRSA “aims to facilitate and expand the study of eighteenth-century Russia across the disciplines. Membership is free and open to all scholars working on eighteenth-century Russian studies.”
The Hungarian Studies Association was formed in 1970. Its goal is to further interest and to encourage research in Hungarian history, politics, and cultural affairs
International Association for the Humanities (IAH / MAG)
An independent association of humanities scholars primarily in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, working to “bring new representation from the post-Soviet region to the international scholar community through the sharing of scholarship, through the exchange of information about opportunities as well as difficulties in regional humanities, and by direct interactions among different scholarly communities.”
International Association of Teachers of Czech
“The International Association of Teachers of Czech (IATC) is a non-profit, scholarly organization. Its objective is to promote the study of the Czech language and culture, to facilitate international contacts, and to encourage research in Czech language pedagogy.”
International Council for Central and East European Studies
“ICCEES (International Council for Central and East European Studies) is a global network of research associations, institutes and individual scholars active in the field of Russian, Central and East European studies. ICCEES was founded in 1974, initially as a joint project of American, British and Canadian research associations. Its main activities include publishing twice a year an ICCEES International Newsletter and organising every fifth year a World Congress.”
International Studies Association, Post-Communist Systems in International Relations Section
ISA works “to promote research and education in international affairs”; the PCSIR section “seeks to identify the factors that have affected and will affect the relations of the United States and Canada with any or all of the states that have emerged from the former Soviet Union and to foster discussion of these factors” and “facilitate[s] the development of vigorous networks of communication and collaborative research among scholars working in the post-Communist states.”
New Yugoslav Studies Association
An interdisciplinary organization dedicated to the study of the Yugoslav political project, culture, and society from a comparative and transnational perspective. The “new” in New Yugoslav Studies refers to a shared methodological stance—namely, a refusal to accept the destruction of socialist Yugoslavia as the only lens through which its social and historical significance, its cultural legacies, and its ongoing political relevance ought to be viewed.
North American Association for Belarusian Studies
North American Dostoevsky Society
North American branch of The International Dostoevsky Society, a non-profit association which seeks to “promote the study of the life, work and reception of Fedor M. Dostoevsky.”
North American Pushkin Society
“An international association of scholars who are engaged in research on the life and works of Alexander Pushkin.”
North American Society for Serbian Studies
“NASSS is dedicated to promoting and enhancing knowledge and understanding of Serbian history, culture and society in the academic communities in North America and beyond, as well as the Serbian diaspora at large.”
“An organization of scholars, publishers, librarians, archivists, and journalists who specialize in the history, culture, art, politics, economics, and society of Poland.”
Q*ASEEES: Society for the Promotion of LGBTQ Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies
Q*ASEEES was created to promote all forms of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) studies in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian societies, including but not limited to history, literary and cultural studies, social sciences, and interdisciplinary studies. We hope to support collaborative work between different disciplines with an interest in our regions. We want to serve as a voice for LGBTQ studies in Central & Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.
A Ukrainian American scholarly institution that supports the study of Ukraine through conferences, events, publications, grants, and public outreach. Named in honor of the poet Taras Shevchenko, the Society traces its origins back to 1873.
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association
“a scholarly, non-profit organization devoted to an exchange of knowledge among scholars interested in Slavic and East European folklore”
“The Slovak Studies Association promotes interdisciplinary scholarly research, publication, and teaching related to the Slovak experience the world over.”
“The Society for Albanian Studies is a center for academics, scholars, artists, and culture builders where we can have generative conversations that connect Albanian studies to broader, regional and global studies. We believe that our work is that of bridge-building through mutual understanding, dialogue, and support across academic disciplines and cultures.”
Society for Austrian and Habsburg History
“The Society for Romanian Studies is an international interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to promoting the professional study, criticism, and research of all aspects of Romanian culture and civilization, particularly concerning the countries of Romania and Moldova.”
Society of Historians of East European and Russian Art & Architecture (SHERA)
“Founded in 1995, the Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian and Russian Art and Architecture (SHERA) brings together scholars specializing in the art and architecture of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, from ancient times to the present day. SHERA creates a sense of community for art and architecture scholars around the world, serving as a vibrant source of information and exchange. SHERA runs a website, H-Net discussion network, Facebook page, and Twitter feed, and organizes sessions at scholarly conferences administered by CAA and ASEEES.”
Southeast European Studies Association
“The Southeast European Studies Association (SEESA) is a scholarly, non-profit, non-political organization devoted to the exchange of knowledge amongst scholars interested in the area of Southeastern Europe.”
Soyuz – The Research Network for Postsocialist Studies
“Soyuz is broadly conceived as a group of scholars working in postsocialist studies. It serves as a vehicle to promote the study of postsocialist societies, the dissemination of current research, and collaborative and interdisciplinary work among an international community of scholars. Soyuz runs a website, Facebook page, and H-Net discussion network, and organizes sessions at scholarly conferences administered by AAA, ASEEES, and the American Folklore Society, as well as its own annual symposium.”
Working Group for Solidarity in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
“The Working Group for Solidarity in REEES was formed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing crises in higher education, and in our field specifically. The group coordinates and supports organizing initiatives in mutual aid, public petitions, and the sharing of knowledge and skills related to research and teaching in Slavic and REEES.”