Tetyana Dzyadevych
Candidate for Graduate Student Representative, 2018
Tetyana Dzyadevych is an ABD PhD student in the Department of Slavic and Baltic Languages and Literatures at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She employs interdisciplinary approaches in interpreting literary and cultural phenomena. Her doctoral research, advised by Colleen McQuillen and Vitaly Chernetsky, is entitled “Dynamic of Post-Soviet Identities in Russia and Ukraine through the Lens of Contemporary Literature.” It focuses on connections between national literary canon development and politics as she analyzes how Russian and Ukrainian contemporary literatures reflect socio-political processes and human rights activism. She has completed concentrations in Gender and Women Studies and Central and European Studies. In addition to her coursework, she also did an academic internship in Cinema Studies. Dzyadevych received her MA degree in Culture from National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine), and studied East Slavic literatures at Marie Curie-Skłodowska University of Lublin (Poland). She has participated in various international projects, including two oral history expeditions in Poland and Ukraine. She served as an invited editor for the volume Neo-anti-colonialism VS Neo-imperialism: the Relevance of the Postcolonial Discourse in the Post-Soviet Space (in Ukrainian and English). Among her recent publications are: “Postcolonial Research in Contemporary Ukrainian Humanities” (in Russian, co-authored with Vahtang Kebuladze) in Politics of Knowledge and Academic Communities; “Rape in WWII Film: Comparing Narration” (in English) in Plural, Journal of the History and Geography Department, Moldova; “’Garden in Venice’ by Mileta Prodanovic as Post-colonial Text” (in Serbian); “Child’s Death as a Tool: Pioneer-Heroes in a Soviet Educational System” (in English) in Dystopia: Journal of Totalitarian Ideologies and Regimes, State University of Moldova.
Dzyadevych has participated in ASEEES Conventions since 2013 as a presenter, panel organizer, discussant, and chair. In 2015-16, she took part in the ASEEES graduate student mentor program under Lynne Viola (University of Toronto). If elected, she will faithfully advocate for graduate student members of ASEEES, and will help to promote the organization as a whole and to build bridges between young scholars from North American institutions and their East-European colleagues.