Kristin Roth-Ey
2016 Candidate for ASEEES Board Member-at-Large
Kristin Roth-Ey is Lecturer in Modern Russian History at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London. She is the author of Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire that Lost the Cultural Cold War (Cornell, 2011), which was awarded Best Book in Literary/Cultural Studies by the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (2012), Honorable Mention for the ASEEES W. Bruce Lincoln Book Prize (2012), and was shortlisted for the Historia Nova Prize for Best Book in Russian Intellectual History (2013). Roth-Ey is a historian of the Soviet Union with a particular interest in the complex constellation of politics, institutions, social practices, and technologies embedded in the term “Soviet culture.” She served as an assistant professor at Queens College, CUNY, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harriman Institute, Columbia University, and a junior scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, prior to moving to University College London in 2007. Most recently, she co-edited (with Larissa Zakharova) a special edition of Cahiers du monde russe,“Communiquer en URSS et en Europe socialiste” (2015) and began work on a multi-year, collaborative project exploring the complex political, social and cultural encounters between the Soviet bloc and the “Third World” (“Socialism Goes Global”, funded by the UK Arts & Humanities Research Council-; Roth-Ey’s research explores Soviet (and transnational socialist) cultural diplomacy in this context. With a lifelong aspiration to rootless cosmopolitanism, Roth-Ey has been active in the profession nationally in the UK, the US, and in Europe and would be honored to serve on the ASEEES Board.