Dirk Uffelmann
2016 Candidate for ASEEES Board Member-at-Large
Dirk Uffelmann studied Russian, Polish, Czech, and German literatures at the Universities of Tübingen, Vienna, Warsaw, and Constance. He obtained his PhD from the University of Constance in 1999 and defended his second thesis (Habilitation) at the University of Bremen in 2005 before teaching as Lecturer in Russian at the University of Edinburgh. He also was a visiting professor at the University of Bergen, Western Michigan University, and the University of Puget Sound, and visiting fellow at the University of Cambridge and the University of Munich. At present, he is professor of Slavic Literatures and Cultures at the University of Passau. He was a member of the Planning Commission of the University of Erfurt in 1999–2000 and served as Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs of the University of Passau from 2011 to 2014.
His research interests are Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian, and Central Asian literatures, philosophy, religion, migration, masculinity and Internet studies. He has authored 2 monographs – Die russische Kulturosophie [Russian Culturosophy](1999) and Der erniedrigte Christus – Metaphern und Metonymien in der russischen Kultur und Literatur [The Humiliated Christ: Metaphors and Metonymies in Russian Culture and Literature](2010), and over 100 articles in English, German, Polish, and Russian, which have also been translated into Danish and Ukrainian. He has co-edited 11 volumes, co-organized 12 international conferences, and contributed to numerous international research projects. He is co-editor of the journal Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie as well as of the book series Postcolonial Perspectives on Eastern Europe and Polonistik im Kontext.