Thursday, October 29, 2020

What You Need to Know for the 2020 ASEEES Virtual Convention

We are excited for your participation in the 2020 ASEEES Virtual Convention on November 5-8 & 14-15. This year’s virtual convention offers over 500 panels, roundtables, meetings, film series, receptions, and networking activities. With over 2,500 session participants and attendees, the 2020 Virtual Convention promises to be a dynamic and productive event! We especially welcome over 250 undergraduate students who will attend the convention.

The Virtual Convention Website is now live:

Please note that the website is not in its final form. We are still entering changes in the Schedule, including entertainment breaks, networking events, and the film series and adding new exhibitors in the virtual exhibit hall. We ask for your patience.

First please review the Guide for Attendees.
(Panel and Roundtable participants will receive a separate email with session instructions and guides).

Log in

You must register to access the Virtual Convention site. If you have registered, please log into the convention website before November 5  to test your log-in credentials. To log in, select “ASEEES Login” on the left. Enter your registered email address and select “Sign In”. You will automatically receive an email in your inbox with a new link to the website. If you are having any problems logging in, please submit the problem on this problem report form, and the ASEEES staff will respond expeditiously. 

If you not registered yet, you can still do so. Register HERE.

How to Find and Join a Session

Go to the Schedule and find the sessions in which you are participating or want to attend. You can add them to your favorites by clicking on the star next to the session title. Once you are logged into the site, you can freely move about between sessions.  You can join a session 15 minutes before its start time by selecting “Join Session.” In most cases, attendees will be muted during the session and should use the chat box to ask questions. 

All session Zoom links are embedded on the convention site with password protection and cannot be shared.

Instructions for the Presenters and Session Managers (Zoom hosts)

Instructions for session presenters and managers (Zoom hosts) can be found HERE.  It includes training videos and how-to guides and checklists. Please review carefully.

Convention Virtual Background

We’re providing an ASEEES Convention virtual background image for those who would like to use it during the sessions in Zoom!

Network & Chat

The Network & Chat feature on the Virtual Convention Site is a great platform to meet colleagues and chat. There are are some pre-set group topics, but you can create your own. It’s a particularly useful way to continue the conversation after a panel or roundtable. Here is the instruction on how to use Network & Chat.

Please join us at these Special Events

  • Annual Meeting of Members, Thur, Nov 5, 10:00 am EST All members are welcome.

  • Presidential Plenary: Anxiety and Rebellion in the Post-communist World, Thur, Nov 5, 6:00-7:00 pm EST

  • Opening Reception, Thur, Nov 5, 7:30-8:30 pm EST

  • Annual Award Ceremony and Presidential Address, Sat, Nov 7, 6:00-7:30 pm EST

  • Film Series

2020 Sponsors and Exhibitors

We thank the Sponsors and Exhibitors for their support. We are still adding exhibitors into the Virtual Exhibit Hall. Visit the Exhibit Hall anytime during the convention to check out our exhibitors showcasing the latest books, data and research, programs, and more.

Send Us Your Photo

We are creating a slideshow of convention attendees to show at the Opening Reception and other times! Please send us a photo of yourself and tell us where you live. Thank you!

Also, be sure to join us on twitter and share your experience.  #ASEEES20

Daily Convention News Blast

During the Convention days, all registered attendees will receive a daily convention news blast that features program highlights and important information for the day. 

Code of Conduct Policy 

The ASEEES Convention is convened for the purposes of professional development and scholarly and educational interchange in the spirit of free inquiry and free expression. Please take a moment to read our code of conduct policy. By registering for the convention, you are agreeing to abide by the policy. Also please make note of the social media policy. ASEEES is offering a trained ombuds during and for a short duration after the convention. The ombuds is available for free, confidential consultation and advising about reporting a violation. The ombuds can be reached at 

We look forward to seeing all of you soon at our Virtual Convention!

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