2016 ASEEES-MAG Summer Convention
26 – 28 June 2016
Ukrainian Catholic University
Lviv, Ukraine
ASEEES is able to offer a very limited number of grants to subsidize travel costs for ASEES members to present their papers at the 2016 ASEEES-MAG Summer Convention in Lviv, Ukraine. Applications will be judged on intellectual merit of the paper topic with a broader view to disciplinary and regional balances. Where possible, priority will be given to applicants who would be first-time ASEEES travel grant recipients or junior scholars whose institutions offer limited funding.
Up to $500 USD
All applicants must be:
- A regular or student member of ASEEES at the time of application (affiliate and joint members are not eligible);
- Presenting a paper on a regular panel (chairs, discussants, and roundtable participants are not eligible to apply)
March 15 (All applicants will be notified of their status by April 15)
All applicants must:
- Complete the online grant application form, which includes the paper title, abstract, tentative budget, statement of need, curriculum vitae, and, if a graduatue student, the e-mail address of the advisor or department chair who will submit the letter of reference;
- For graduate students only: Make sure that advisor or department chair submits a letter of reference by March 21, which includes confirmation that departmental and/or institutional conference travel funds are insufficient. The referee will get an e-mail notification on how to submit the letter via the application site.
- Since our funding is limited and we wish to fund as many deserving applicants as possible, we urge applicants to be practical in estimating their travel and lodging budget. Please consider sharing a room with another graduate student at the convention hotel if feasible.
Awards will be disbursed upon presentation of receipts in the weeks following the summer convention.