Ed A Hewett Book Prize

The Ed A Hewett Book Prize, established in 1994 and sponsored by the University of Michigan Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, is awarded annually for an outstanding monograph on the political economy of Russia, Eurasia and/or Eastern Europe, published in the previous year. The Hewett Prize carries a cash award and is presented at the ASEEES Annual Convention.

Ed Hewett was a distinguished alumnus of the University of Michigan, (PhD, economics), a prominent scholar, a fine colleague, and an internationally respected member of the field. The Hewett Book Prize was established in 1994 in his honor to recognize and encourage the high standard of scholarship that he so admirably advanced in the area of his interests, and was sponsored by the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research from 1994 to 2012.

Rules of Eligibility

Rules of eligibility for the Hewett book prize competition are as follows:

  • The publication date inside the book must list the previous calendar year as the date of publication. For example, the book must have been a publication date of 2023 to be eligible for the 2024 competition. If no publication date is listed, the copyright date will be taken as the publication date.
  • The book must be a monograph, preferably by a single author, or by no more than two authors.
  • The book must be published originally in English.
  • Authors may be of any nationality.
  • Works must be on the political economy of Russia, Eurasia and/or Eastern Europe.
  • Textbooks, translations (including authorial translations), bibliographies, and reference works are ineligible.
  • Self-published works are ineligible.

Nominating Instructions

A book can be nominated by the publisher or the author only. The nominator (publisher or author) is responsible for sending copies of the book to the prize committee members.

Fill out and submit this form to notify the Association of your intent to nominate a publication for  Hewett prize. As of 2020, books may only be nominated for two prizes (e.g., this prize and one other).

Send one copy of eligible monograph to each Committee member (see addresses below). The nomination form must be submitted no later than April 15. And books must be received by no later than May 15 (books not received by the deadline may not be considered).

Submissions should be clearly marked “Hewett Book Prize Nomination.”

Please direct questions to aseees-prizes@pitt.edu.

2025 Ed A Hewett Book Prize Committee

The winner of the 2025 Hewett Book Prize will be chosen by the following scholars. For questions, please contact ASEEES at aseees-prizes@pitt.edu or 412-648-9911.

Susanne Wengle
University of Notre Dame, 2024-2026

Print books are preferred. Please email aseees-prizes@pitt.edu for the mailing address. 

Where needed, ebooks will be accepted. They can be sent to: susanne.wengle@nd.edu

Fritz Bartel
Texas A&M U, 2025-2027

Print books are preferred. They can be sent to:
Fritz Bartel
TAMU 4220, Allen Building
1004 George Bush Dr W,
College Station, TX 77845

Where needed, ebooks will be accepted. They can be sent to:

Erik Herron,
West Virginia U, 2023-2025

Print books are preferred.
Please email aseees-prizes@pitt.edu for the mailing address. W

here needed, ebooks will be accepted. They can be sent to:

(For customs use): Please mark the nominated books as “gift” to alert Customs that this is not a commercial shipment/to insure the recipient does not have to pay for the items.

Past Winners

The following scholars received the Ed A Hewett Book Prize in the past:

1994–2008 Archive

  • 2008 Anna Grzymala-Busse
  • 2007 János Kornai
  • 2006 David Ost
  • 2005 Elizabeth C. Dunn
  • 2004 Paul R. Gregory
  • 2004 HM – Thomas C. Hubka
  • 2004 HM – Timothy Snyder
  • 2003 Randall W. Stone
  • 2002 Mieke Meurs and Federico Varese
  • 2001 Timothy Frye
  • 2001 HM – Brian Porter
  • 2000 Katharina Mueller
  • 1999 Stephen K. Wegren
  • 1998 David L. Bartlett
  • 1997 Clifford G. Gaddy
  • 1996 Susan Woodward
  • 1995 Paul L. Joskow, Richard Schmalensee & Natalia Tsukanova
  • 1994 Stephen Whitefield and Barry W. Ickes & Randi Ryterman

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