ASEEES Distinguished Contributions Award

Established in 1970 the Association’s Distinguished Contributions to Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Award honors members of the profession who have made major contributions to the field. Distinguished Contributions may be conceived of in diverse ways, and the Association seeks to recognize outstanding service, leadership, scholarship, mentoring, and public outreach.

In particular, we hope to receive nominations that highlight noteworthy contributions to public understanding, contributions that innovate and transform the way we understand our regions and our disciplines, and leadership that opens our disciplines to new perspectives and encourages fresh voices in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies.

This revision was approved by the ASEEES Board on November 23, 2019.

Nominating Instructions

The Committee accepts nominations in writing or via e-mail from any member of ASEEES.

The lead nominator should submit all documents and letters in one PDF file to the Committee Chair.

The package should consist of:

  • one nominating letter not exceeding 3 pages discussing the nominee’s service, scholarship, mentoring and leadership; there is no limit to the number of signatories it may append;
  • a maximum of 10 supporting letters not exceeding 2 pages each; each letter must discuss evidence of at least one of the criteria categories;
  • the candidate’s full CV including publications, editorships, curatorships, awards and prizes; and service to ASEEES and/or the profession.

Self-nomination is not accepted.

The Committee positively encourages nominations from ALL disciplines in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. It welcomes inclusive nominations that reflect the diversity of the profession, and the diversity of contributions colleagues can make.

The Committee will seek to ensure a balanced pool of nominees and retains the option of surveying the field for prospective award winners.

The deadline for nominations is May 1.

2025 Distinguished Contributions Award Committee

The winner of the Distinguished Contributions to Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Studies Award will be chosen by the following scholars. The ASEEES Staff Liaison is: Lynda Park, Executive Director.

Morgan Liu
Ohio State U, 2025-2027

Theodora Dragostinova
Ohio State U, 2025-2027

Raquel Greene
Grinnell College, 2023-2025

Laura A. Henry
Bowdoin College, 2025-2027

Joan Neuberger
University of Texas at Austin, 2024-2026

Past Winners

The following scholars received the Association’s Distinguished Contributions to Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Award in the past:

1970–2005 Archive

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