Investment Subcommittee of the Executive Committee

This is a subcommittee of the Executive Committee to assist and advise the Executive Committee on its charge to maintain the ASEEES General Investment Fund in good standing.

The main responsibility of the ASEEES Investment Sub-committee of the Executive Committee is to provide a strategic framework for the investment of ASEEES’ financial assets and to monitor the work of our investment managers. To help implement the strategic framework, the Investment Subcommittee will recommend to the Executive Committee investment objectives and guidelines for its investment policy consistent with the strategic framework. When choosing investment strategies, the Investment Subcommittee should take into consideration the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) implications of investment choices.

The Investment Subcommittee will also ensure that any investment managers hired to implement the investment policy abide by the ASEEES’s statement of investment objectives and guidelines and request corrections when necessary. The Investment Subcommittee will meet this responsibility by having at least two conference calls per year with the investment managers. These normally will take place in April and October, timed to precede meetings of the Association’s Executive Committee and the annual meeting of the Board of Directors.

The Investment Subcommittee will report on the results of the ASEEES investment portfolio and the performance of the investment managers to the Executive Committee on a semiannual basis and will recommend changes to the investment objectives and guidelines and in the selection of investment managers as necessary.

*Amended by the Executive Committee on January 5, 2022