Potential Host Institutions
Note: This list is not closely vetted and is neither exhaustive nor a guarantee that prospective grantees will be able to undertake internships at these institutions. Applicants are responsible for contacting prospective host institutions and securing internship offers.
ASEEES’s Internship Grant Program provides incoming, current, and recent (i.e. those who have graduated no more than two years prior to the competition deadline) MA, PhD, and professional school students with grants that make it possible for them to accept unpaid or underpaid internships in areas broadly related to Russia, including Russia’s relations with other regions/countries.
Grantees may participate in an existing internship program or work with an organization to create a new one.
* Denotes past host institutions. for the ASEEES Internship Grant Program.
- Ab Imperio Quarterly Journal*
- Academic Studies Press*
- Archipelago Books
- Cornell University Press
- Deep Vellum Publishing*
- Duolingo
- East View Information Services
- Foreign Policy
- Freedom House*
- Global Wordsmiths*
- Kyiv Independent*
- Liberty Publishing House
- New Yorker – Russia and Eastern Europe Section
- Pushkin Press
- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
- The Nation
- Academy for Educational Development
- American Councils for International Education
- American Foreign Policy Council
- Atlantic Council
- Carnegie Corporation
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Center for Citizen Initiatives
- Civilian Research and Development Foundation Global
- East-West Connections*
- Foundation for Defense of Democracies
- Free Russia Foundation*
- German Marshall Fund of the United States
- Human Rights Watch
- International Crisis Group
- International Foundation for Electoral Systems
- International Republican Institute
- International Research & Exchanges Board
- Klezmer Institute*
- National Democratic Institute
- National Endowment for Democracy/Russia and Eurasia Program
- Refugees International
- Social Sciences Research Council (Eurasia Program)
- Tamizdat Project, Inc.*
- Union of Councils for Jews in the Former Soviet Union
- United States Institute of Peace/Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention
- US-Ukraine Foundation*
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation*
Government/Think Tanks/Research Institutes
- Atlantic Council
- Brookings Institution
- Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)
- Center for European Policy Analysis*
- Center for Independent Social Research, Inc.*
- Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
- Ex-Im Bank
- German Marshall Fund
- Institute for East/West Studies
- Institute for the Study of War*
- International Center for Language Studies
- International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
- International Trade Administration
- Kennan Institute*
- Moscow Helsinki Group
- National Park Service*
- RAND Corporation
- Small Business Administration
- The Washington Center
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- US Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research*
- United Nations (New York) and UNICEF
- American Philatelic Research Library*
- Amherst Center for Russian Culture/Mead Art Museum*
- Cold War Museum*
- Hoover Institution
- Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco*
- Library of Congress
- Museum of Russian Art (MN)
- Museum of Russian Culture (CA)
- Museum of Russian Culture*
- Museum of Russian Icons (MA)
- Philadelphia Museum of Art*
- Russophone Research Collective*
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum