Resources and Related Journals

To benefit our readers, we are maintaining a select list of scholarly online guides to Internet research materials on the region and of scholarly Web projects by ASEEES members.

Slavic Reference Service

Are you in the early stages of dissertation research and unsure of where to begin? Do you need help with locating items, verifying citations, conducting a literature review, or identifying collections of materials for your research? Do you need additional support with an article manuscript project or help with the publishing process? The Slavic Reference Service (SRS) is here to help! We are a year-round, federally funded research service. The SRS handles bibliographic and reference questions in all subject areas connected to Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. We can meet with you one-on-one. Schedule a consultation session today!

American Bibliography of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

The American Bibliography of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ABSEEES Online) provides information on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia, with a vast collection of indexed sources published in the United States, Canada, and some European countries.

Have Suggestions?

We welcome suggestions for additions to both lists.

Related Journals

The following list represents a selection of scholarly journals in related fields which have Internet home pages. Some but not all are available electronically. Slavic Review welcomes suggestions for addition.