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Cluster: Suicide, war, and the military in East-Central Europe, 1918-1945

Critical Forum: Trial by Fire-Russian Modernist Poetry Against War


The Bashagurov Brothers: A Story of Brigandage and Mobility in the Urals, 1789-1792
“Like a Magician Who Tricks the Eyes”: Demonism, Epistemological Uncertainty, and Religious Heterodoxy in Seventeenth-Century Ukraine
“I am a Sincere Believer”: Rethinking Religiosity and Identity in the Early Soviet Union

Upcoming Issue

Winter 2023

Volume 82

Stay tuned for our next issue.

A “Common Enterprise”? The Role of Utility Infrastructure in the Divided City of Teschen, 1920-1938

Zora Piskačová

An Artistic Challenge to the Culture of Forgetting in Serbia: Audiovisual Discontinuity in Ognjen Glavonić’s Depth 2


Cold War Networks And The Scholarly Byt: How Russian Formalism Became an American Thing


Liberating Consumption, Urban Communities, and Women’s Activism during Late Stalinism


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