
War Against Ukraine

This page hosts moderated discussions of articles, forums, and book reviews. Letters to the editor are still welcomed and will be published in the journal (see "Information" on this website). Continuations of discussions begun in letters may also take place here. The same standards of discourse apply as for letters to the editor and authors are encourgaged to be brief and to the point. The editor, who will moderate these discussions, reserves the right to refuse to print, or to publish with cuts, contributions that contain personal abuse or otherwise fail to meet the standards of debate expected in a scholarly journal. Submissions to these discussions should be sent to the editor by email, including identification of the author's institution or city of residence.

Discussion Posts

    May 09, 2024

    There Can Be No “Vne”

    As are many of us, I am reacting to Russia’s criminal and devastating war against Ukraine with tears, desperation, a sense of guilt, helplessness, disgust, and anger. But I am […]

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    February 28, 2023

    They Told You So

    From early 2014, as the Euromaidan Revolution unfolded, Ukraine’s citizens were forced to respond to countless editorials and articles in western publications, all of which assumed that they were a […]

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    August 11, 2022

    Why You May Want to Go to Ukraine Now

    As the situation in Western and Central Ukraine has for now stabilized, a trip to Kyiv can provide those interested in international affairs with a unique opportunity to observe world […]

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    March 11, 2022


    Over 1.3 million people have arrived in Poland as of March 10, with so many coming to Warsaw that they now constitute 10% of the city’s population. Poles have answered with […]

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    March 10, 2022

    Ukraine’s Precarity

    In the early 2000s I was in Romania on a research trip. It’s a lovely country with a harsh modern history. While there, a colleague pointed out a huge public […]

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    March 08, 2022


    Russia’s vicious war against Ukraine is the last gasp effort to silence the narrative of a Ukrainian nation and make the world safe for Russia’s fantasy that the East Slavs […]

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    March 08, 2022

    What Can Force the Kremlin to Stop Its War?

    When Russia illegally annexed Crimea and fueled the armed conflict in Donbas approximately eight years ago, Vladimir Putin experienced being punished by relatively mild sanctions that did not alter his […]

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    March 07, 2022

    A Voice from the Past

    The Yiddish poet David Hofshteyn was in Kyiv in 1919, when the city was attacked again and again by different forces. He writes about the experience. The city is besieged; […]

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    March 03, 2022

    Business as Usual, idi nakhui

    Russia’s full-blown invasion of Ukraine vividly demonstrates the Putin regime’s utmost inhumanity, social irresponsibility, anti-western ressentiment, and obsession with Ukraine. At the same time, it shows that this is not […]

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    March 03, 2022

    Full Historiographical Legitimacy to Ukraine

    In 1995 late Mark von Hagen opened his though-provoking essay “Does Ukraine Have a History?” with an observation that Ukrainian studies lack full historiographical legitimacy in major Anglo-American, German, and […]

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