Monday, August 26, 2024
The Eurasian Knot Podcast on “The Sound of Socialism”
Can sound be used as material that enhances our understanding of research topics in various disciplines concerned with Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia? In the Winter 2023 issue of Slavic Review, a special cluster on socialist sound worlds was published by Matthew Kendall and Gabrielle Cornish, including an article by Andrea Bohlman. More recently, the creative force behind the Eurasian Knot podcast, Sean Guillory, noticed the irony that this cluster of scholarship, which is about sound, has no sound. The podcast has published interviews with the authors of the cluster called “The Sound of Socialism, Part 1” to give them the opportunity to allow readers to experience some of the sound they write about. It can be accessed here. The second part of the podcast is available here.